
Inspiration is Everywhere

What I love most about my life is how easy it is to publish something poignant and funny. I just open up the laptop and there it is, written for me. All I ever do is spell check my thoughts and send them to the publisher. With no regrets.

It’s great that I can write whatever comes to mind and I never have think about the consequences. Because people will like me no matter what I say about them. It’s fiction. Or is it extremely creative non-fiction? I can’t remember which.

Inspiration is everywhere, literally. I am inspired by the stupid things all the stupid people around me say. Publishing gives me the opportunity to exploit these people and to impose my own obscure metaphors on others as if they were universal. Everyone loves it! Because ultimately, the world revolves around me and my metaphors are the key to knowledge and wisdom.

I am especially inspired by stress, a good hangover, a bad date, trips to the dermatologist, injuries and self-detriment in general. But, for me, inspiration is everywhere.

Almost. As a serious author, I’ve got to admit I am completely uninspired by one thing:

Unless you’re talking about having babies, in which case I’m totally inspired. Actually, that’s what all of this bull-honkey is about. If I had a baby for every time somebody asked me for a dollar, I would have so many babies. And if I had a dollar for every time a baby smiled at me, I would have at least a dollar. My point being: Babies rule. But I could really use a dollar.

Babies are like people but they can’t argue. Sure, they can complain, but they are unable to articulate themselves so it’s easy to ignore them. They are a lot like City employees in that way. But City employees smoke a lot more. I don’t really like City employees, but they are more inspiring than babies. I guess.

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