Itinerary: Upcoming Trip to Vegas
Friday: Arrive in Vegas
-Get rich
-Find and marry Future X-husband
- Wear red sunglasses with rhinestone frames shaped like stars
- Acquire a fabulous tan
-Speak with a thick southern accent and purport to be an aspiring show girl
-Sit poolside and sip from a colorful beverage which includes, but is not limited to:
rum, sugar, orange juice, vodka, cherries/strawberries, pineapple, gin (preferably Tanqueray), a live sea creature, a plastic sword and a miniature pink and green umbrella
-Forget own name
-Wear a cowboy hat
- Take pictures of self wearing aforementioned cowboy hat, in front of
a monolithic flamingo
-Take The Big Lebowski tour (if one exists) or
- Hang out in a bathrobe and drink incessantly
-Attend cousin Jake's wedding *
Return Home.
*remember to change out of bathrobe
If you can't attend your cousin's wedding in a bathrobe while in Vegas, then you can just take me off the list. I say you rock it. Terry cloth goes from day to night surprisingly well.
Surely you've recovered enough from Vegas by now to discuss this... wait, you're not still in the Flamingo, are you?
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